Mar 18, 2023Liked by Fahim chughtai

Had a relationship with a female covert narcissist.

The typical love bombing/devaluation/discart happened with the gaslighting/manipulation/projections/flying monkeys/social isolation/etc.

Found myself back, and after dating for months I started a relation with a female autist (her mother told me months after we were together, and things started to get odd).

There were many overlaps, like a lack of empathy and emotional connection.

She had PDD NOS, ADD, a mild intellectual disability, PTSD, was highly insecure, and had a anxious avoidment attachment style.

Both were NOT relationship material, and my advice: run for the hills ASAP if you find out if they are a cluster B or a damaged individual who is on the spectrum.

They ruïn your life, drain your energy, aren't trustworthy, aren't commited and instead of a partner, you have a patient and a project which give you nothing but problems.

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A personality disorder and a neurological disorder, are the same thing because personality is neurology.

I think all cluster b and autism and psychopathy are just different types of 1 spektrum.

Narcicissm is basically just autism where reading other people is not impaired.

Autists are harmless because they lack the ability to manipulate others.

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